MapLink™ | Procedures | Wind Energy Systems

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Wind Energy Systems
All such uses shall primarily serve on-site generation needs unless otherwise approved by the Board of Supervisors. If a hookup to a public or community utility system is proposed, electrical plans must be prepared by a Pennsylvania-licensed electrical engineer, at the applicant's expense, and submitted to the utility company and Township for approval.

The safety of all systems shall be certified, in writing, to the Township by a Pennsylvania-licensed professional engineer or by an authorized factory representative that the system will operate safely, without loss of structural integrity, under the following conditions:
(a) Loss of utility power: will not backfeed a dead utility line.
(b) High wind speed: shall break or feather below the designed limits of the system.
(c) Blade imbalance: shall support added blade weight of at least 10%.

Building permit applications for a wind energy system shall be accompanied by standard drawings of the turbine, tower, base and footings demonstrating compliance with the building code, as amended.
See § 200-044-080O for complete, detailed information.